Sunday, July 29, 2012

Rainy Days

I probably wouldn't have thought to get a rain gauge for a nine-year-old, but Sarasvati got one at her birthday party in May, and she has really enjoyed checking it this summer. We have had a wet couple of days here. It has been nice and cool. We have mostly been staying indoors, taking the opportunity for a bit of playground time in between showers.

Walking the dog in the morning, I once again forgot to account for the rain-heavy branches that normally would be a few inches above my head. This is something I do all the time. Is it my height? Do others also walk into trees on wet days, a cold splash in the face? (And did anyone see me?) At least after that I am awake, and no longer sleep-walking with my dog.

It looks like we have a rainy week ahead, so perhaps this could be a good time to get back into baking.

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