Thursday, September 29, 2011

Ballerina Cookies

A few days ago, I came across this contest that involves making vegan Ballerina cookies, and taking pictures of them. Since I already had a half batch of hazelnut frosting left over from the cupcakes I made this weekend, I could not pass this one up.

Ballerina is one of the most popular cookies in Sweden, and the factory is just outside of my home town Göteborg. They have a chocolate cookie bottom and a vanilla cookie top, with a creamy hazelnut nougat filling in between. IKEA sells them here in the US.

The point of the contest is to show the makers that Ballerina could very easily be made vegan and try to get them to change the recipe. Either way, it was a fun little project.


  1. jesus kristus vad fina. du kommer vinna! :D

  2. Tack vad snälla ni är! Min sexåring är lite lätt besatt av ugglor så den kunde jag inte låta bli att göra. :)

  3. Älskar ugglan, så gullig. Jag hade möjligen snott den från din son! (nejdå, men bara för att jag är vuxen ;))
