Monday, January 14, 2013

Kids Bake: Vegan Blueberry Orange Cupcakes

Sarasvati got a baking kit for Christmas, and today she tried it out and made us blueberry orange cupcakes for dessert. She loves blueberries (and hates bananas). We used the vanilla cupcake recipe from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World, and added frozen blueberries and orange juice concentrate to the batter. Then she made a vegan buttercream icing with a little orange juice in that as well. The kids loved the color of these cupcakes: "It's more like green than blue!" and "This one is darker than that one!" I think we'll be making these again. :)

The cupcakes went fast! Next she wants to try her new cookie cutters with some sugar cookies. Fun!

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